Thursday, November 26, 2009

Picture Blog #7: Surf Photography

Surf photography is fascinating.

Surfing is human's way of playing with nature. In this case, it is the wave. It is a sport which is graceful and yet offers endless adrenaline rush.

Surf photography attempts to capture images of waves at their most beautiful and perhaps, oddest. It is not difficult to see why surf photography is challenging. We are talking about going after an object which has no definite shape, moving rapidly and yes, very wet.

I am not a surfer (only on the Internet) and I am barely an amateur in photography. This makes surf photography exciting and admirable to me.

In this picture blog, I have gathered some great shots. Let's get wet!

Surf Photography by Clark Little

Surf Photography by Jeff Devine

Surf Photography by Jack English

Get some tips on how surf photography is done (for beginners).

"A wave is like a woman;
it comes in many shapes and sizes;
it will excite you with anticipation,
wrap you in a cocoon-like embrace,
and either scare the hell out of you or
give you the ultimate pleasure."

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